Updates and opportunities to join in Northside Friends’ social witness and community service activities:

Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM)

Sat 4/15:  Illinois Yearly Meeting Anti-Racism Cafe.  Online.

This online discussion takes place on the 15th of each month from 7-8:30 pm.

"Are you interested in connecting with other Friends in Illinois Yearly Meeting on anti-racism work? Then join in at the Anti-Racism Café. Each month the ILYM Ad Hoc Anti-Racism Committee will provide space both for Friends who want to share ideas for anti-racist activism, and for Friends who want to focus on the inward work of becoming anti-racist. This is an opportunity to learn about the experiences of Friends in other meetings, to share resources, and to come together in worship and fellowship to build a wider Quaker community."

More information:  https://ilym.org/ilym/anti-racism-cafe/

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Sun 4/16 1 pm: NFM Discernment on Reproductive Health and Abortion. Online. Hosted by NFM FCNL Representatives.

In response to a request from FCNL for discernment from monthly meetings, NFM will be gathering for a listening session on reproductive health and abortion rights.  All members and attenders of Northside FM are welcome; we will gather at the usual zoom link for Meeting for Worship. Please review the advance materials from FCNL, providing context for the request and queries for our session.

FCNL Advance materials:  https://www.fcnl.org/sites/default/files/2023-02/discernment_reproductive_health_2023.pdf

American Friends Service Committee

Sun 4/23 12 pm:  NFM Presentation from AFSC - Our North Star: A Vision for Community Safety Beyond Prisons and Policing. Hybrid at JASC, 4427 N Clark St. and Online. Hosted by NFM Ministry on Racism Committee.

Mary Zerkel of the AFSC Midwest Region office will bring news about their healing justice work in Illinois. You'll learn about some of their current programs and actions you can take today to support restorative justice. This is also an opportunity to build a relationship between Northside and our regional AFSC office as part of our mission on anti-racism to collaborate with other organizations who share a similar vision. This event will be hybrid, both in-person at JASC and at the usual zoom link for Meeting for Worship.

More information:  https://afsc.org/northstar

Japanese American Service Committee

Fri 4/21 6-8 pm: Soup & Rice. JASC, 4427 N. Clark St.

Based on the idea of Soup & Bread community meals, JASC is hosting a series of monthly gatherings this winter. Volunteer soup makers bring a crock pot of their favorite soup to share. JASC provides rice, bowls and spoons. Soup eaters donate, and all funds raised are given to a local nonprofit organization.

To volunteer to bring soup:  Contact Jenn Trautvetter, 773-275-0097, ext. 228 or jtrautvetter@jasc-chicago.org. You can fill out an online form to let Jenn know what you plan to bring by clicking here.

Thu May 4 4-6 pm: Educator Event - Teaching the Japanese American WWII Experience.  Midwest Buddhist Temple, 435 W Menomonee St. Free.

JASC and other community co-sponsors invite teachers, administrators, and stakeholders to learn about the Japanese American WWII camp and military experience. There will be a panel of Japanese Americans who were children in the WRA incarceration sites, as well as a presentation of lessons, activities, and resources for classroom use. 

Register here; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/101DzohSrPuvA4mmkB_0_QJ0VJbyQMLZ-oijNJ7yc7CM/viewform?edit_requested=true