Updates and opportunities to join in NFM’s social witness and community service activities:
Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM)
Thu 11/2, 7-8:30 pm: ILYM & FCNL Advocacy Teams Info & Action Session. Online.
Join FCNL’s fast-growing national network of advocates taking collective action to advance peace in federal policy. Advocacy Teams Organizer Mwandeyi Kamwendo will discuss the power of constituent lobbying and how FCNL Advocacy Teams are bringing the conversation to Congress along with Regional Anchor Pamela Minden and Quaker Engagement Program Manager Bobby Trice. Are you ready to learn how you can drive change in Congress? Come discover how you can join or start your own local team with FCNL support, learn what Quaker advocates in your region are doing, and join the movement.
RSVP/register: https://act.fcnl.org/event/info-session-fcnl-advocacy-teams/3214/
Wed 11/15 6 or 7 pm: Illinois Yearly Meeting Anti-Racism Cafe. Online.
Starting at 6 pm, we’ll watch the “One Book, One Chicago” Keynote Event with Tommy Orange, author of There There. The Chicago Public Library is hosting the keynote author event live on CPL’s YouTube channel and CPL’s Facebook page. At 7 pm, following the public event, Friends can join our regular Anti-Racism Café Zoom for further discussion:
"Are you interested in connecting with other Friends in Illinois Yearly Meeting on anti-racism work? Then join in at the Anti-Racism Café. Each month the ILYM Ad Hoc Anti-Racism Committee will provide space both for Friends who want to share ideas for anti-racist activism, and for Friends who want to focus on the inward work of becoming anti-racist. This is an opportunity to learn about the experiences of Friends in other meetings, to share resources, and to come together in worship and fellowship to build a wider Quaker community."
More information: https://ilym.org/ilym/anti-racism-cafe/
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Thu 11/9 7-8:30 pm. God Is Within Her: Quakers Experience The Color Purple. Online.
A powerful cultural touchstone of modern American literature, Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple depicts the lives of African American women in early-twentieth-century rural Georgia. Friends General Conference has heard the call of The Color Purple once more and is offering a unique, interdisciplinary way of investigating the novel's themes as one community in many places. In a kickoff event, Quaker and novelist Rashid Darden will convene a discussion of the themes of The Color Purple and its relevance to spirituality. In addition, FGC’s website now features God Is Within Her: Quakers Experience The Color Purple, explaining the relevance of the book, the origins of the theme of the project, and special events and resources to help Friends navigate the text. From The Color Purple syllabus to a list of selected Black women writers, FGC is proud to help Friends deepen their spirituality while building capacity for anti-racist practice.
For more information: https://www.fgcquaker.org/fgcresources/the-color-purple/
Japanese American Service Committee (JASC)
Sat 11/11 10 am - 4 pm: Volunteer Opportunity - Holiday Delight & Komodo Matsui. JASC, 4427 N Clark St.
Volunteers are requested to help the JASC community celebrate in the Clark Street building for one last time before they move to their new location. Unique vendors, cultural performances, and food favorites.
For more information & to volunteer: Sign up to volunteer here.
Fri 11/17 6-8 pm: Soup & Rice. JASC, 4427 N. Clark St.
Based on the idea of Soup & Bread community meals, JASC hosts a series of monthly gatherings each winter. Volunteer soup makers bring a crock pot of their favorite soup to share. JASC provides rice, bowls and spoons. Soup eaters donate, and all funds raised are given to a local nonprofit organization. November’s event will support Night Ministry.
To bring soup or to volunteer: Contact Jenn Trautvetter, 773-275-0097, ext. 228 or jtrautvetter@jasc-chicago.org. You can fill out an online form to let Jenn know what you plan to bring or to volunteer by clicking here.
NFM Ministry on Racism Committee
Wed 11/15 6 pm: Tommy Orange Event and Book Group Formation. Online.
Ministry on Racism will be starting a fall book group to read There There by Tommy Orange. The novel is this year's One Book, One Chicago title and the first book by a Native American author in the program's 22-year history. We'll kick off the book group on November 15 at 6PM during a special session of ILYM's Anti-Racism Café where we'll share the livestream of Tommy Orange's keynote address for One Book, One Chicago (see ILYM item above). After the address, there will be time for discussion and planning for the book group. If you are interested in participating in book group, please get a copy of the book (and consider reading a few pages to get the flavor) by November 15.
For more information: Contact Eva Hare
Action Request: Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools Policies Act.
Friends are asked to contact their US Senators and Representatives to pass the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act. The act would establish a federal commission that would conduct a full inquiry into the assimilative polices of U.S. Indian boarding schools. The bill currently (as of 9/29/2023) has passed out of committee in the Senate. The House version of the bill is waiting to be introduced.
To learn more and take action: https://boardingschoolhealing.org/truthcommission/ and https://fcnl.quorum.us/campaign/44488/
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Wed-Sun 11/15-19: FCNL Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute. Washington DC & Online.
At FCNL’s Annual Meeting, Friends from across the country will join in fellowship and worship to seek unity on important matters that affect us all. FCNL’s General Committee makes decisions about organizational priorities, bylaws, and budget for the coming year. Through the Quaker Public Policy Institute, hundreds of advocates will lobby their federal officials to advance just public policies. Friends can participate in the annual meeting virtually or in-person; lobbying visits are for in-person attendees only. Travel support is available from NFM.
For more information and to register: https://www.fcnl.org/events/annual-meeting-and-quaker-public-policy-institute