When you enter Meeting for Worship, you’ll find Friends sitting in silence, many with closed eyes. Sometimes there will be spoken messages. Friends speak when they hear a message from the Light that is for the community and not just themselves. The message is not intended to begin a conversation or discussion; in fact, responding to a message is discouraged.
If you are attending online, we encourage you to put yourself on mute if you’re not speaking to prevent disrupting the Meeting with background noise. We also encourage you to leave your video on to help everyone feel more connected. However, if you need to move your device (especially if you’re on your phone or tablet) please turn off your camera when moving to avoid making Friends seasick!
End of worship
At about 11AM someone will speak up to close worship. Friends will be invited to introduce themselves and speak briefly about their week. Friends who are experiencing a problem for themselves or a loved one may request those persons be held in the Light. There will be a time for announcements about upcoming meeting events, including any after-meeting events on that day. Then the “Meeting will rise” which signals the formal end of our worship service. Folks may either leave for the day or remain for continued fellowship. We’d love for you to stay so we can get to know you better!
A note about recording
We do not make any recordings (video, audio or image) of our online Meeting for Worship, nor is it “broadcast” or shared outside of those present. We ask the same from anyone attending – please do not take any screenshots, videos, or recordings of Meeting for Worship. Read our full Community Privacy and Safety Policy for more details.
Events after Meeting
Second Hour
Meeting for Worship is often followed by what we call “Second Hour”, which is an additional planned activity, typically lasting about 90 minutes. Second Hour events may include discussions, presentations, or educational or spiritual formation events. Details of the upcoming Second Hour will be shared during Announcements. You can also visit our events page for more details!
Meeting for Business
Once a month (typically the first Sunday of the month) we hold Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business. Business Meeting is hosted by the Meeting Clerk(s) and includes reports from our various Meeting Committees, as well as any other decisions which need to be made collectively. The methods Quakers use to make decisions are unique; we seek Divine guidance in making group decisions to achieve unity – where everyone present feels comfortable with the decision. New attenders are urged to join us for Meeting for Business as it is an excellent way to understand the workings of the Religious Society of Friends.